Sponsor PensaPride

Support pride and market your brand

Enhance your brand’s visibility in the northwest Florida LGBTQIA2S+ and ally community.

  • Reach a 3,500+ audience
  • Spread brand awareness to 2,300 Facebook followers and 1,700 Instagram followers
  • Feature your brand in PensaPride print and digital marketing

Email contact@pensapride.org

Progress Pride flag sticker

Thank you to our sponsors




sponsorship packages

  • Premier sponsor
  • 10×10′ exhibit space
  • Logo on event marketing materials
  • Five or more social media posts
  • Blog post feature
  • Onstage acknowledgement during the event

This sponsorship supports entertainment on the main stage.

  • Banner with logo on the main stage
  • Logo on event marketing materials
  • Two social media posts
  • Blog post feature
  • Onstage acknowledgement during the event
  • 10×10′ exhibit space
  • Logo on event marketing materials
  • Two social media posts
  • Blog post feature
  • Onstage acknowledgement during the event
  • 8′ table exhibit space
  • Logo on event marketing materials
  • One social media post
  • Onstage acknowledgement during the event
  • Name on event marketing materials
  • Onstage acknowledgement during the event

Support PensaPride year-round or without a sponsorship package. Donate anytime online.